Home Improvement

Building a Smart Home? Here are Unique Technologies for You

Today, manufacturers are making every product ‘smart’. Phones aren’t just created for sending messages and making calls. Smartphones can do almost everything, from taking pictures to creating GIFs, and from scanning docs to getting directions to your destination. The boob tube now is not just torturing the remote to scan the best TV shows. You can also stream Youtube and other stuff as long as the Internet works. There’s even this fridge that you knock first to show what’s inside. Amazing, right?

It’s not just your gadgets and appliances that can be smart like you. You can also upgrade your house into a ‘smart home’ for efficiency, security, convenience and sustainability. But don’t think about the super technologies flashed on big screens from your favorite sci-fi movies. We’re not just there, yet. Good thing though is you can maximize the best that is available in the market.

The smart home is already here today, not anymore waiting in the time capsule of the future. And here are some of the things you can get to reap the luxury of a smart home.

The Good Bath

Low-flow sinks and toilets like those installed in prefabricated homes to minimize wasting water have been around for quite some time. But, that water efficient is just one the many wonders you can have for a really great time in the bathroom. You already know well Alexa and Siri as the two of the most effective voice assistants today, and you can integrate them in your showers.

With voice control, you can ask Alexa or Siri to turn on or off your shower, adjust water temperature or choose a different shower setting. It’s not just convenient but also efficient in water usage, especially when you’re chasing naughty toddlers. Don’t worry about your device getting soaked because the latest technology is made showerproof.

It doesn’t end in the shower. Your intimate moments with the toilet can also be made more comfortable with the latest technology. With motion-activated, hands-free seat and cover, you can seat on your throne while you can set your stereo while you do your stuff. After you do the dirty job, you just wipe with the desired bidet spray and an air dryer in a breeze.

Face Recognition Video Doorbell

Don’t you want to be disturbed when the doorbell rings and a stranger shows up? There is a solution to that. Tech companies like Google’s Nest Hello have already up the ante in doorbell manufacturing and developed a facial recognition that captures and records visitors. So, it doesn’t just work as a doorbell but also a security camera. This advanced technology notifies you audible and to your smartphone any activities within the doorbell and stores these activities like a CCTV.

Smart Thermostat

When temperature drops or rises, it’s best that you have the perfect device to adjust with the changes, rather than you manually adjusting a thermostat. We’re lucky that there are smart devices in the market today. Smart thermostats enable you to control different heating systems for a particular location or room, even under-floor, via an app. That’s a plus especially if you have a complicated and large heating system to manage. Another feature of some devices is built-in sensors where the device detects if there are people inside a room.

Smart Bed

There are hundreds of ways to track sleep these days, from hundreds of apps to smart watches. Now, you can also do that through a bed. Sleep Number 360 Smart Bed isn’t just comfortable mattress, durable design and highly customizable. By sleeping on it, you also get to track your sleeping activities including number of hours, health metrics and sleep patterns among others. Every detail is stored in the complimentary app. To top it all, it has biometric sensors that allow you to sleep well. So, if you have problems snoozing, then this product can definitely help you like a therapy.
