
Dubai, a database of potential customers, suppliers

Dubai, the largest city in the United Arab Emirates, is a hub for business and commerce, attracting a diverse range of companies and industries. With its thriving economy, a database of potential customers, suppliers, and business partners is a valuable resource for companies looking to establish or grow their presence in Dubai.

For businesses looking to buy a database in Dubai, there are several options available, including government sources, private databases, and research firms. In this article, we will explore the different types of databases available in Dubai and the factors to consider when choosing the right database for your business needs.

Government Sources

One of the most comprehensive sources of business and consumer information in Dubai is the government. Government agencies, such as the Dubai Department of Economic Development and the Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry, maintain databases of registered companies, including information on the company’s ownership, business activities, and contact details.

For businesses looking for information on consumers, the Dubai Land Department maintains records of all real estate transactions in the city. This information can be used to identify potential customers, including high net worth individuals (HNIs), and target them with personalized marketing campaigns.

Private Databases

In addition to government sources, private databases are another option for businesses looking to buy a database in Dubai. Private databases are maintained by companies, such as credit bureaus, financial institutions, and market research firms. These databases typically contain more in-depth information on individuals and companies, including financial information, credit history, and spending habits.

For businesses looking to target HNIs in Dubai, private databases can be a valuable resource. For example, a luxury car dealership could use a database of HNIs to identify potential customers and target them with personalized marketing campaigns.

Research Firms
Research firms, such as Nielsen and Euromonitor, can provide valuable insights into the market in Dubai, including consumer preferences and spending habits. These firms conduct market research and surveys to gather information on consumers and businesses, and then compile this information into comprehensive databases.

For businesses looking to understand the market in Dubai and target specific segments, research firm databases can be a valuable resource. For example, a company looking to launch a new product in Dubai could use a research firm database to identify the target audience and develop a marketing strategy that is tailored to their specific needs and preferences.

Factors To Consider When Choosing A Database

When choosing a database in Dubai, it is important to consider the following factors:

Accuracy and reliability of the information: The accuracy and reliability of the information contained in the database is critical. Make sure that the database you choose has been verified and updated regularly.

Privacy and security of the information: Given the sensitive nature of the information contained in databases, it is important to ensure that the database you choose has adequate privacy and security measures in place to protect the information from unauthorized access or theft.

Cost: The cost of a database can vary greatly, so it is important to consider your budget and choose a database that provides the information you need at a price you can afford.

Regulations and laws: Make sure that you are aware of any regulations and laws that govern the collection and use of the information contained in the database, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in Dubai.


For businesses looking to establish or grow their presence in

Dubai, a database of potential customers, suppliers, and business partners is a valuable resource. Whether you choose a government source, private database, or research firm, it is important to consider the accuracy and reliability of the information, the privacy and security of the information, the cost,
